Our food allergy story is a story of constant struggle. We too had a screamer – from day one. She had anaphylactic shock at 3 months when we gave her the first bottle of formula. Even up to 15 months old she could only tolerate 5 foods (apples, potatoes, chicken, carrots, and peas.) She was on prescription formula because her dairy allergy was so sensitive. This has also led to severe eczema until we figured out her food triggers and now mild asthma. We have been to several different specialist which each have a different theory and a different diet to follow – hence the roller coaster that is our life. Our diet is constantly changing and it is hard for us to keep track, let alone for family and friends to keep track of. However, she is a great kid with such an empathetic heart! I hope she keeps these traits into adulthood.
Thank you for sharing your food allergy story with us! Anyone else feel that their food allergy journey is also a roller coaster?
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